Untreated water found in lakes, rivers, and groundwater may contain bacteria and viruses called pathogens. These may cause waterborne diseases if directly consumed by humans. That’s why it’s necessary to apply different water disinfection methods that can neutralize and eliminate these microorganisms.
Among other water treatment processes, chlorination is one of the essential water treatment processes implemented today. If you want to learn more about it, here are some facts:
What Is Chlorination?
Chlorination is the treatment process of adding chlorine to kill any parasites, bacteria, and viruses in water. Aside from eliminating pathogens, it can also be used to remove dissolved minerals and improve water color. It can be done at different points of water conditioning, utilizing an efficient chlorination system.
Since it was first implemented in the country in 1908, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has closely regulated the chlorination process. The agency limits the amount of chlorine in public water systems to safe levels, making the water fit for human consumption. Although some people are more sensitive to chlorine than others, this process is harmless and won’t cause long-term health issues.
Types of Chlorine Used in Water Treatment
Different types of chlorine are used for water treatment. Chlorine, in its purest form, is seldom used. Three common chlorine-containing substances can also be used: chlorine gas, sodium hypochlorite, and calcium hypochlorite.
Chlorine gas, while toxic to humans on its own, changes its chemical composition when used in water to disinfect it. It’s often sold as a compressed liquid and is the least expensive option out of the three. As such, it’s the preferred chlorine type for public water systems.
Meanwhile, calcium hypochlorite is often sold in tablet or granular powder form and requires proper handling since the substance is highly corrosive. It works by increasing the pH levels of water, making it more alkaline.
Lastly, sodium hypochlorite is a compound often found in household bleach. Like calcium hypochlorite, it makes the water more alkaline. Out of all the chlorine types, this is the easiest to handle.
Keeping your water in good condition should be an important aspect to think about. That’s why we here at Adams Water Conditioning can offer water treatment solutions for you, your family, or your business. Contact us today to learn more about our services and products.